Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sister Love

Today is my sister's birthday.  Two years younger than me, and full of sass and spirit, she has inspired me throughout our lives in so many ways.  Growing up, she was my side-kick in work and play.  We would create ridiculous games during our chores to make the tasks more interesting.  There was play for hours outside climbing trees, riding bikes or searching for things by the irrigation ditch behind our house.  She was my camping companion, Barbie bestie, and horse-riding buddy while atop Geisha and Misty. We also fought fiercely, which many of our friends and family can attest.  But regardless, that passion and protectiveness could turn quickly to any outside force that threatened one or the other.

I'm proud of my sister.  She has accomplished so many things for which I admire her.  Marrying her high-school sweetheart, they are soon to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.  And although they started out with nothing, they have successfully built themselves a good life raising two beautiful girls in a welcoming home, always keeping friends and family at the forefront.  I've watched her grow over the years as a sought-after dental assistant because of her work ethic, loyalty, talent and genuine connection with her patients.

But what I find most inspiring is her strength and determination in her own personal goals.  From the time she was young until this day, her will and decision to do something insures she will do it.  Her most recent accomplishments surround her desire for a healthy life, and now include starting her own Advocare business, running half-marathons, learning to cycle, and inspiring clients and friends alike.

I find that birthdays are a good time to reflect on the life you've had thus far, and look to the exciting things that lie ahead.  It's a day to celebrate yourself, the day you entered this world and made it a better place. It's a time that all of those around you can show their love and appreciation for you through song, cake, cards, and messages.  So, for me, this day is about celebrating my sister.  I'm so happy I've been blessed to take my life's journey with her.  I love you, Tina, and here's to a very Happy Birthday and our remaining life ahead.

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